
Spring Break8

Today I went to the air plane and went home to California. I played games and watched t.V. Then I landed and I went home.

Spring Break7

Today I went to Palm Beach. It was fun! I made a hole to trap the water but the water broke my hole. So I joined my brother but it got broken by the water.

Spring Break6

Today I went to Boca Raton. It wans'nt that much fun for us because we were just waiting. My mom saw a rabbit shaped thing. My dad tryed to shoot it but it was gone.(注:写真を撮ろうとした)

Spring Break5

I went to Everglades. I saw a Alligator Snowy Egret Great Egret dolphin and a Flamingo. I went on a boat.

Spring Break4

I went to Key West and I had to wait until 4:00. When it was 4:00 I went to the pool and I had a lot of fun.

Spring Break3

Today I was on the air plane for five hours. I saw stuartLittle two three times. The first I saw half then whole and whole. I went to Florida.

Spring Break2

In my back yard I played soccer with my dad. I was goalie. My dad won.

Spring Break1

Today I went to Japanese Language School. Yusuke my friend was funny. I learned character. I did math promblems.



